Websites we recommend

Direct access to other sexual health websites we recommend.

Sexual Health
Info Link

Access to evidence based information on all aspects of HIV, STIs and sexual health through non-judgemental NSW sexual health nurses.

International Student Health Hub

Sexual and reproductive health, consent and relationships information plus navigating OSHC and the Australian healthcare system.

Play Safe & Nurse Nettie

Online service that provides qualified sexual health information to young people living
in NSW.

Designed for professionals who are supporting young people in NSW, helping you start the conversation around safer sex and have the answers to guide them.

Play Safe Pro

Free Resources

Find free sexual health resources below.

Online and face-to-face training to improve your skills at talking about sexual health with young people.

NSW Online Training

Play Safe Condoms

Order free condoms for your NSW based service. Each pack contains 144 Play Safe branded condoms.