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STIs 101

Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) are on the rise. About 16 per cent of Australians report having an STI at some point in their lifetime — that's roughly 4 million people. With the exceptions of hepatitis and HIV, Australia's most common STIs are on the rise. 

Join Naomi Viret, health education officer from Caddyshack Project and Naomi Hoffman, Clinical Nurse Consultant from the Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Service in going back to basics.

Learn more about the 3 different types of STIs: bacterial, viral and parasitic that are transmitted through sexual contact.

We will be covering Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and other STIs, Testing, Treatment. 

Access to STI information, including comprehensive, accurate information on how to prevent STIs and where to seek testing and treatment, is an integral part of sexual health and overall health and wellness for adults and adolescents.

You will receive a post pack from Caddyshack Project once you register for this webinar. That's why we need your best postal address.

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