What does Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel got to do with Valentine's Day?

Hi there Caddyshackers

As John Paul Young once sung “love is in the air, everywhere I look around”.

It is the month of Saint Valentine

a time of cheesy cards, overpriced roses and cutesy stuffed animals.

The best part of love is that you don’t have to be in a relationship to experience it.

Make this the month of self-love. Do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to your own flowers, chocolates, massage, book, movie or whatever says self-care to you.

Love starts and ends with you and the energy of the heart literally links us to one another and the Earth. Not being all feel good, this is science.  The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body that is about 60 times greater in amplitude than brain waves.

The 14th of February is Valentine’s Day AND International Condom Day.


Think “no glove, no love”. The true gift of love this Valentine’s Day is protection.

If you have been to a Caddyshack event recently you would have seen our condom roses.

Who wouldn’t love a dozen of those?!?!

Condom fun fact

Talking of condoms, here is a fun fact, the Danish word for condoms is “Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel” .

The more commonly used term is "gummimand," which translates to "rubber man".

What we are loving right now


1. Love Condoms

This month we are loving Love Condoms as they’ve taken Valentine’s Day and International condom day and merged the two together.

Their tag line is “Condoms are always fashionable” and we agree.

Where’s the fashion sense in condoms you might ask? They’re easy to carry and are the most affordable way to avoid sexually transmissible infections and unplanned pregnancies.


2. 'Wrap it like that'

We have been having a laugh with this fun Cardi B parody. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation presented this International Condom Day Anthem in 2019. ‘Wrap it like that’ stars Vivian Lamolli ft Vonzell Solomon, Michael Silas & Kaycee Clark!

“Today and everyday we encourage you to play safe and proclaim that safer is sexy!”


3. Condom Earrings

Speaking of condoms being fashionable.

During the month of December the Caddyshack team got creative with condoms and glitter. The result? Condom earrings! Gold glitter baby!

Follow our Instagram story ‘Caddyshackers’ to see the journey of the condom earrings.

Until next time, peace, love and protection



How To Stay Safe Online


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