Adult 101

Hey there Caddyshackers

Summer is just around the corner, yay! Here’s to a little more freedom and being able to get outside more. The Caddyshack team plan on enjoying some local bushwalks and beach swims Vitamin D, Sea and fresh air after another up and down kinda year.

If this year has taught us anything, it’s that things can and will change and we must remain flexible. Some things we can plan for, others we cannot. One thing we can plan, is how we choose to Adult 101 and think about the choices and decisions we are making when it comes to our sex lives!

Spring and summer are known to be the time of frisky and possibly risky activities. This is a great time to review your sexual health and ensure you’re doing all you can to keep yourself and your sexual partner/s safe.

Some Adult 101 points we invite you to consider for a frisky, not risky time

Do I have consent?

Good question, do you? How do you know? Consent is a heck yes from all parties involved. In addition to that, we like to use the acronym FRIES for consent. As in, is it:

Freely given – there is no pressure or coercion to saying yes

Retractable – consent can be withdrawn at anytime, you may say yes to begin with, but then not want to proceed any further, ‘cause you changed your mind

Informed – you know exactly what it is that you’re giving consent to

Enthusiastic – it isn’t just a quiet nod of the head or a shy whisper, it is a big “heck yes, there is nowhere else I would rather be and nothing else I would rather be doing than this, with you!”

Specific – to say oral sex or vaginal sex, just because you have consent for one  sexual act, doesn’t mean you automatically have consent for others.

Am I protected?

When it comes to sex, condoms offer you the best form of protection, not only from many Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) but also unplanned pregnancies.

Protection includes male/external condoms (think flavoured, ribbed, glow in the dark to make it fun), internal/female condoms (think latex free, possibly pleasure enhancing) and dental dams.

These all provide a barrier, preventing sexual fluids and skin coming into contact with each other, so when used correctly (they don’t break or fall off/out) offer a high level of protection from STIs.

Read more in our Protection blog post & Condoms, Condoms, Condoms blog post

What about pregnancy?

Not ready to bring new life onto the planet right now (maybe never) then you want to be thinking about contraception as well as protection. Contraception prevents an unplanned pregnancy from occuring.

There are many contraceptive options available, such as barrier methods (condoms, diaphragms), hormonal methods (the pill, interuterine devices and hormonal rods) as well as fertility awareness methods such as withdrawal and ovulation tracking.

It is not a one size fits all model.

There are many contraceptive options available for you/ your partner.

You can check out our short clips on contraception to learn more, or head to  to find your ideal contraceptive match.

Do I need a sexual health test?

If you have ever been sexually active – then yeah!

It’s recommended that sexual health screening (a visit to a GP or sexual health clinic) happens at least once a year.

Screening may be recommended more regularly if you have had a recent sexual partner change, have unprotected anal sex or if you have any signs or symptoms.

Find out where you can get tested by using the Play Safe map showing your nearest Sexual Health Clinic.

Still unsure if you need to get a check up? Take the quiz to see if you need a test.

Right now we are loving


These people have such an interesting job and can help us have conversations with partners about what we want in (and out) of the bedroom.

Check out this article to learn more.

Until next time,

Peace, Love & Protection



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